CLI input search and auto-completion
built on: argrelay
API docs
API spec
commit: 32b1f2d
config: dst/relay_demo
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You have a choice:
This is a demo GUI client for a server with mocked data.

A GUI client looks up the data, but it cannot execute commands.

To execute commands, use a CLI client instead.


To try auto-completion, type either|or: Then, narrow down object selection by picking values for search properties.
reset all
command history:
input command line:
copy command
command line legend:
[client_synced] [pending_request] [pending_response] [request_failed]
suggested args (click-able):
suggested args legend:
[intput_prefix] [common_infix] [unique_tail] [arg_comment]
search query results (equivalent of `Alt+Shift+Q` in CLI client):
last invocation response (hit `Enter` in the command line to retrieve it):
Try a CLI client for full functionality.

Details on GUI client deliberate limitations

This test/demo GUI client allows simple browser-only access by anyone with URL (without shell access and shell config required for a CLI client).
It is convenient for data search, testing, diagnostic, but it is not meant to be functional (use a CLI client for that).

Normally, a CLI client receives equivalent responses (as this GUI client does) from the server on request hotkeys:
  1. auto-completion options (on Tab)
  2. search responses (on Alt+Shift+Q)
  3. command invocation data (on Enter)
However, this GUI client is limited and slightly different from a CLI client:
  • (1) Tab is only used to complete `common_infix` - request to provide suggestions is sent automatically on idle timeout.
  • (2) Search request (Alt+Shift+Q) is sent automatically on idle timeout.
  • (3) Command invocation (Enter) is disabled - it only prints invocation data from the server (use a CLI client to run commands).
[intentionally blank]